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La Cuadra AC

We are a non-profit organization that studies, designs, promotes, and produces urban programs and actions that help build biosystemic communities and cities.

We form alliances with civil society actors, organizations and private initiatives to create networks that multiply the impact of our actions.

Centro de Acopio Regenerativo en Huerto Roma Verde

Regenerative Collection Center in Huerto Roma Verde

Comenzamos el proyecto de Reciclaje Comunitario en enero de 2019, logrando que muchos vecinos de la Roma Condesa participaran entregando sus residuos sólidos y orgánicos en el Huerto, gracias a esto, hemos logrado reciclar y canalizar  adecuadamente a la industria del reciclaje aproximadamente 900 toneladas de desechos sólidos y hemos composteado y transformado en suelo vivo aproximadamente 800 mil litros de desechos orgánicos. ā€‹

Somos el centro de reciclaje más integral de la CDMX y estamos creciendo generando un impacto positivo en nuestro entorno local y por eso queremos crecer para lograr duplicar en 6 meses estas metas, regenerando además los suelos de Xochimilco, donde ya estamos llevando los residuos orgánicos que recogemos.


Rodrigo Gavino
20-Harold-PCLT_JPG (1).webp
Harold Peralta
Piero Barandiaran
Martin Blicharz

History of the Regenerative Collection Center in Huerto Roma Verde


First efforts collecting organic waste from nearby restaurants and homes, and installing worm-banks in public spaces


First collection center for single-use plastics and organics in alliance with Zero Waste.


Comprehensive collection program including waste

organic and inorganic

(support from OrganiK AC and FEMSA Foundation)


Collection Center collecting more than 400 tons of recyclable and organic materials per year.


Scaling project: Regenerative Collection Center

Help regenerate soil in Xochimilco with Our Garden

We are a non-profit organization that studies, designs, promotes, and produces urban programs and actions that help build biosystemic communities and cities .

We form alliances with civil society actors, organizations and private initiatives to create networks that multiply the impact of our actions .

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